HCS Mains Test Series | O2 IAS Academy

The test series for Haryana Mains 2021 is the effective way for the preparation of upcoming HCS Mains. HCS mock test series at O2 IAS academy are based on the latest exam pattern and trends. The best way to utilize the test series is by completing each topic/ subject and attempting the test to analyze your understanding. After solving, analyze the mock test to check your mistakes and prepare for the exam accordingly.
Practicing test series will help you know your performance level and areas which still need improvement. The O2 IAS Mains test series is an excellent way to level up your exam preparation, improve your score, reduce mistakes and qualify the prelims exam.
HPSC conducts the exam for the recruitment of candidates for different posts like SDM, A class Tehsildar, and many more every year. The preparation can’t be completed without taking Mock test series for HCS Mains.
O2 IAS academy design the test series by keeping in mind that HCS Mains consist of four papers and all papers are descriptive in nature. The test series contains papers of all these papers and questions are framed according to the latest trends of the last 10 years.
Test series will be scheduled from 27th September to 15th November. The test series will contain some additional benefits at nominal price of INR 7500/-. The test series will be conducted online and is available at our application as well as our website. The test series is designed by the experienced faculty and by comparing the resources of last 10 years. The students will able to self-analyze their answers by comparing the answers provided and designed by special faculty. Some additional features are -
- Thorough Evaluation by Experience Faculty.
- Compilation of Model answers.
- Marks Booster sessions for English and Hindi Papers.
- Special sessions for Essay writing.
- Personal counselling will be provided after evaluation.
- Follows latest HPSC trends with wide level of coverage.

The mock papers for common subjects are described in the above table. It will be recommended to opt for complete test series prepared by the expert panel of O2 IAS academy as we prepare the test series in order to help the students to achieve their goal. Our team of experts prepare the test series by evaluating last 10 years’ pattern and also help the candidates to enhance the writing skills.
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